Email Address: Wildwilly88@aol.com
Birthdate: 2/1/32
Occupation: Retired (Sales)
Years in Racing: 30
In Supermodifieds: 25
Racing career highlights: Being mentioned on the Paul Harvey Show
Total Supermodified Feature Wins: 125
Total ISMA Feature Wins: 0
2000 Season highlites: The wall still doesn`t move after all these years
What`s new for 2001: Will run only a few select shows
What Four People (living or dead) Would You Invite to Dinner: My 3 children and you
Most Humorous Racing Incident: Putting small wheels on top of the wing. Thought I was
spending more time upside down.
Race Car
Chassis: Troyer Copy
Engine: Pro Tech/ Jim Shirey
Pit Crew: Larry Morris, Tom Fink, Kenny Ballard, Matt U.
Sponsors: Morris Auto, Du-Mor Water, Tammy`s Collectibles |